Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homemade Electricity Is Easy

Generating your own homemade electricity to power your fifty inch plasma television might seem like a crazy idea until you think about the fact that once upon a time everyone thought the world was flat. Now that was a crazy idea but it took a while before people understood the truth. The truth about creating our own power us that we can do it but most of us have never considered making it ourselves nor do we understand if it is even possible. If we want to know more we have to begin with understanding a little more about electricity.
Electricity is a naturally occurring force that exists all around us. Back in 1600 a man named Dr. William Gilbert coined the term “electrica,” a Latin word which describes the static charge that develops when certain materials are rubbed against amber. This is probably the source of the word “electricity." Naturally occurring electric sources are hard to find and few produce much power at all. The challenge is to convert the energy into something we can use.
The most common way to produce homemade electricity is through the use of photovoltaic cells or solar panels as they are more commonly called. The way they work is that these panels utilize the suns rays to convert light energy to electricity converters which then produces voltage. Currently, the voltage from each cell is relatively small so cells are connected in parallel or series to produce larger voltage levels. The challenge can be that to generate enough energy some of these panels can become rather expensive and are generally not that efficient.
Another well known method to generate homemade electricity is to convert wind to electricity. A wind generator is used for this and basically a wind generator is just a motor (dynamo) connected to a turbine that is rotated by the winds force. The turbine collects the wind energy and the dynamo converts the mechanical force of the wind to electricity. Wind generators provide a relatively higher efficiency than solar panels but the challenge with this method of alternative energy is that they must be strategically located where there is lots of strong wind for the best production of power.
The obvious challenge with both of these methods is that if there is no wind for the wind generators or sun for the solar panels neither of these options will produce much electricity. One way to make these systems more effective is to store the energy they generate into batteries so that homemade electricity can be used when it is needed and not just when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing.
There is a third option that very few people have ever heard about is the Magnetic Power Generator. This is a format which creates absolutely free homemade energy and does not require any resource like wind or solar energy to function and are very safe. These zero point magnetic power generators use magnets and magnetic force to induce perpetual motion and they run by themselves indefinitely creating free power for your home. The unit basically produces a larger amount of energy than it consumes without needing a third-party device or resource to power it.
Rumor has it that back in 1899, Charles H. Duell, U.S. Commissioner of Patents said, "Everything that can be invented has been invented." Time has taught us that we can continually invent better ways to do things and human beings have proven they can do amazing things when they need to. In today's world of rising costs and increased demands on our planet generating homemade electricity is as simple as wanting to make it happen. Now that you some new information on how to make your own homemade electricity, it will be just a matter selecting which type you want to use and then get started on generating your own electric energy. The tools exist today if we really want to see the Monday night football game on our big screen powered by our own energy.